“Grow, Create & Thrive – Challenge you in Challenging Times ” – Panel Discussion
“Grow, Create & Thrive – Challenge you in Challenging Times ” – Panel Discussion
Are you a professional or a person who is looking to grow in your field by adding academic qualifications such as MBA / MSc or Executive MBA from the highest-ranked UK University in Sri Lanka? Then this panel discussion is for you!
– Panelists:
🎤 Chamila Bandara
Director Advantis express,
Hayleys Advantis ltd.
🎤 Almas Marikkar
Director / CEO
Bogawantalawa Tea.
🎤 Marcelline Alexander
Academic Head
UWL Business Program – ANC Education
Date: 27th January 2023
6PM onwards at ANC Auditorium
Entrance Free.
(Participate in the event & be eligible for merit scholarships
up to 100,000LKR *conditions apply)