SQA Diploma Level Students Secure First Runners- up at the Island wide University level IT Competition Organized by AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura

SQA Diploma Level Students Secure First Runners- up at the Island wide University level IT Competition Organized by AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura
ANC Education is very proud of the SQA Advanced Diploma students from ANC Branch Campus Kandy that faced a tough competition from University of Peradeniya, University of Moratuwa, University of Kelaniya, ESOFT Metro Campus, NSBM Green University, SLIIT & other State and Private University teams at the island wide University level IT Competition known as Decipher organized by AIESEC in Sri Lanka in collaboration with Microsoft Sri Lanka.
The 5 team members of ANC consisted of Nalin Bandara Abeyrathna, Amna Carder, Aabidh Wadood, Zaid Jauffer and Abdhel Mashood who participated for the first time at the Decipher island wide IT Competition and qualified for the Finals amongst other strong teams such as University of Ruhunu, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT) securing the first-Runners-up at the Finals held on 27th June 2021.
It was an incredible achievement considering our students are still in their first year of the SQA Advanced Diploma program majoring in Information Technology at ANC Branch Campus Kandy.
“As a beginner in my first year of my Diploma program I learned a lot about the IT industry, its scope and it was a great experience. All the group members did a super job and I couldn’t have done it without them.” says ANC Team Leader Aabidh Wadood.
“I would like to thank AIESEC of University of Sri Jayewardenapura for conducting such a great event and to ANC for helping and motivating us as well and my family for being with me throughout this journey”
Head of Academic Programs for ANC Branch Campus Kandy Mr. Kasun Dissanayake, says “It is commendable to witness our young students at SQA Diploma level tackle the University level IT Competition where many of the other participants were in their 3rd year of University level”
“This is a testament to the quality of educational programs offered at ANC and to the high standards set by SQA Advanced Diploma programs delivered at ANC Branch Campus Kandy and the expertise of our faculty and academic team that offers an exceptional learning experience for students”.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the faculty members Ms. Dinesha Ekanayake, Ms. Ramona David, Consultant Academic Administration and Mr. Kasun Dissanayake, Head of Academic Programs for ANC Branch Campus Kandy for their time and effort in preparing the students by conducting workshops and mentoring them to get ready for the Final competition.
The annual IT competition ‘Decipher’ organized by AIESEC in Sri Lanka is a Case Study Competition carried out all over Sri Lanka, especially for IT undergraduates, to expose real-world case studies and solution-oriented problem-solving.
ANC is honored to have been invited to participate in the island wide competition and would like to thank the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and AIESEC. A Special Thanks to Ms. Amandi Nanayakkara, Organizing Committee President, Decipher AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura for inviting ANC Education to participate at the competition.
For more information about the SQA Advanced Diploma Programs at ANC Branch Campus Kandy & Colombo Call 076-998-9635.